20 Great Website Development Tools Devs Actually Use in 2022

Increased use of mobile devices and the constant need to remain connected is fueling an insatiable demand for ever more powerful web applications. Technologies that can deliver richer functionality at greater speed are constantly emerging, which means it’s never been easier or more necessary to keep up with the latest development tools.

The following web development tools and technologies will still be essential in 2022 as recommended by 5-star rated website development companies in Delhi:

  • jQuery :   A library of functions that simplify the most tedious aspects of writing HTML, CSS and Javascript.  jQuery also facilitates AJAX calls, which makes it easy to load dynamic content without refreshing the page.
  • IoT :  The Internet of Things (IoT) is an upcoming buzzword in web dev circles.  It’s used to describe how everyday objects will be connected to the internet, allowing users to control them via mobile applications or their web browsers. The proliferation of IoT devices exponentially increases the number of endpoints, which are also frequently used by companies providing website development services in Delhi.
  • Bootstrap :  Several front-end development frameworks compete with Twitter’s Bootstrap for market share; most offer native responsive design functionality.  Responsive design is the industry standard, and Bootstrap remains the easiest to use for newcomers.
  • Node.js : An extremely popular server-side Javascript platform used by many of the most complex web apps currently in development (e.g., Gmail).  It’s unlikely this technology will fall out of favour anytime soon given its increasing support in cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS.

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  • MongoDB : This nonrelational data store has become a go-to solution for no. 1 web development company in Delhi that doesn’t want to deal with relational databases or SQL syntax on a regular basis. Mongo’s document-focused approach greatly simplifies application code when compared to more traditional database toolsets.
  • Python :  While most popular development platforms offer at least one alternative to Python, its stability and scalability have made it a developer favourite for over a decade.
  • Sass : A CSS extension language that makes it easier to create reusable stylesheets by enabling to nest rules within rules.
  • CoffeeScript : Like Sass but for Javascript, simplifies common coding tasks like manipulating arrays and objects, defining functions, and creating conditional statements (e.g., If/Else).
  • jQuery Mobile: The mobile version of the ubiquitous jQuery library that enables developers to quickly build native touch interfaces with HTML 5 and CSS 3 on iOS, Android, and Windows devices as well as desktop browsers (with some exceptions).
  • Vagrant : Used in conjunction with virtualization software like Oracle VirtualBox, Vagrant makes it much simpler to manage complex multi-machine dev environments.  For example, a developer can use Vagrant to bring up remote machines configured with the exact same web stack as well as pre-installed dependencies.

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  • D3: A Javascript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualisations and graphs created via HTML 5 and CSS 3 (e.g., force diagrams).
  • ES6: The next iteration of Javascript slated for release at the end of 2015; will likely continue Node’s dominance by offering native support for asynchronous code execution (i.e., nonblocking I/O) at the language level like many modern server-side languages like Go and Scala.
  • TypeScript: A new language from Microsoft that has many of the benefits of ES6 without abandoning support for legacy browsers; aims to make it easier for developers to maintain large projects by adding more structure and scalability to Javascript codebases.  TypeScript also provides optional static typing like C# does, allowing developers to catch errors early in the development cycle rather than waiting until runtime (when they’re much harder to squash).
  • AngularJS: The predecessor of what will become Angular 2.0 in 2015; widely used open-source platform for building web applications in HTML 5 and CSS 3 with directives that add dynamic functionality via binding expressions and data-model interfaces (.g., ng-repeat).
  • C++: While it remains one of the most popular backend programming languages, its slow compile times and lack of native support for parallelism make it a poor choice for front-end development unless necessary (e.g., video games).
  • Pandas: A Python data analysis library that makes it easier to manipulate large datasets with less code than more traditional statistical and scientific programming toolsets typically require.  It’s often used in conjunction with other libraries like SciPy and NumPy for data mining and visualization purpose.
  • Alfred: A hotkey-driven productivity app similar to Quicksilver on MacOSX; useful for system administrators who need quick access to command line functionality such as filesystem navigation or terminal emulators.
  • Vagrant : Similar to Puppet, Vagrant is used for automating virtual machine configuration and provisioning, making it easier to manage large development teams distributed across multiple machines.  Vagrant also integrates with other app deployment tools like Chef and Puppet Enterprise so developers can automate common tasks like setting up production-level servers in AWS or DigitalOcean via a single config file.
  • Dart : Google’s attempt at reviving its web programming language of choice that has fallen behind Javascript in recent years; provides more structure by offering classes, interfaces, and mixins while maintaining support for closures (i.e., nested functions).
  • Ionic : Open source framework for building mobile apps with HTML 5 and CSS 3, with AngularJS directives for binding data to native device functionality like the accelerometer or camera.

Bottom lines

As more and more personal devices enter the market, the software is going to continue becoming a more important part of website development companies in Delhi.  While the ubiquity of Javascript will keep most browser-based apps in a state of stagnation (i.e., parity), developers find themselves working on more complicated development stacks that require sophisticated tooling from advanced app frameworks like Node or AngularJS. This trend may continue via further convergence around standards-compliant web applications, making it easier for providers of website development services in Delhi to create cross-platform native-like experiences without learning new languages or creating separate codebases for each platform they wish to target.


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