What Are The Applications Of Virtual Reality In Medicine?

Virtual Reality is not new to the medical fraternity, but what are the applications of virtual reality in medicine? What are some of the potential benefits of Virtual Reality in medicine and what impact will it have on medical students training Medical professionals.

The Future Of Surgery And Medicine Will Be Less Painful!

Every profession has its tools for performing or learning tasks efficiently. A surgeon’s most important tool, anesthetist’s sedative, a nurse’s syringe. Similarly, a student preparing to become a doctor needs all sorts of software help during his education process. A good example would be Microsoft HoloLens which looks like something straight out of ‘The Matrix’. It allows students to get hands- experience with holographic 3D models of the human anatomy.

In this blog, we will talk about Medical virtual reality, which is one of the applications of Virtual Reality in medicine. In clinical training settings, it helps medical students see and engage with more information than they can pick up from textbooks or a 2D screen. It provides opportunities for rapid learning through accelerated exposure to new concepts, makes training more efficient, and serves as a reference library in itself.

Medical Virtual Reality: The Future Of Surgery And Medicine Will Be Less Painful!

It’s true that not every part of the body can be taken apart and studied at leisure; but that is changing too with 3D printing, MRI imaging, etc. These technologies are already being used by doctors worldwide to perform better diagnostics and to plan surgeries better.

Medical virtual reality is here to stay, it has incredibly positive implications for the medical profession and especially our current generation of doctors!

The future of medicine using VR technology is looking bright with these examples:

Training For Medical Students And Doctors: The use of Virtual Reality in medical training is growing by leaps and bounds. Currently, there is a multitude of handheld devices that can be used even without any connection to a computer. Android-based devices like ZEISS OPMI can be used as an interface for 3D models on your mobile device whenever and wherever you need them. Even offline usage allows the storage and retrieval of hundreds or thousands (if needed) of different 3d models. Just imagine how much time and effort this will save.

Training For Surgeons: Surgeons can also make use of Virtual Reality to improve the precision of their surgeries. It is now possible for a surgeon to perform surgery virtually first on a patient, then on a plastic model, and finally on that very same patient. While VR technology is not as developed as it should be, it’s the ultimate tool for any medical profession where using your hands can spell life or death. Using VR technology surgeons have been able to practice remote surgeries without ever stepping into an actual operating room!

Medical Procedures Training: There are several situations in which having a clear understanding of procedures before they actually happen comes in extremely useful. One such scenario would be medical emergencies at sea where you might need to perform urgent surgery. Virtual reality can help you effectively practice these procedures on a life-sized model of the human body before executing them in real-life situations.

Access To Patient Information: The current trend in medicine is towards faster and more accurate diagnoses, while at the same time gathering as much information about patients as possible. 3D scanning can give us extremely detailed models of patients’ hearts or other organs which are invaluable for both students studying anatomy and surgeons planning operations. A new technology developed by University of Basel researchers called ‘Jedi’ allows doctors to actually visualize through 3D scans what exactly is happening inside your body even if it cannot be seen with the naked eye! This kind of technology will not only benefit medical students but also patients all around the world.

How VR Technology Is Changing The Way We Do Medical Research

Scientists from the University of Illinois have been able to explore previously uncharted territory in the eye by using a new device that allows them to view cells and blood vessels directly under a 3D microscope pair! In this way, they were able to get a much better understanding of how diseases like glaucoma affect people on a cellular level. Another example of how VR technology can be used for research is this nausea-curing treadmill developed by researchers at Purdue University. So far it has only been tested on mice, but once proven successful it can revolutionize the way we treat people with motion sickness.

Traditional methods of treating motion sickness involve influencing balance and perception by placing different objects on a person’s head such as cold packs or water-filled bags. The treadmill technology uses virtual reality devices to influence balance and motion sickness instead which is much more accurate with zero side effects.

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